Just finishing up with week 3 now and it's the home stretch! I'll be home August 18th, one week on Tuesday, and the festival ends on Friday. Having been away for about 6 weeks now I'm feeling pretty excited to come to familiar territory soon. For now let us continue with this adventure!
Week three was a good one. I spent the entire week with Clara Furey and Peter Jasko in my second research project entitled, "A Dark Tale." The material we played with was mostly based on material they are using currently for a duet they are creating and performing together. Every day we started with around 40 mins of shaking... Yes non-stop shaking, which is actually an old Asian traditional exercise to aide with alignment issues, and as a meditation practice. We did this slightly different every day, but the idea was to activate our bodies physically, and activate the use of the mind in a particular way that enables openness and using imagination skills.
The rest of the days we went through a series of guided improvisations, either using a specific physicality, or by imagining a situation that we described as a "catastrophe." We left the word catastrophe open to include a wide variety of dramatic experiences. Sometimes we would get in groups and out of the improvisations create movement phrases we could repeat, and show the others. One thing that I really took from the work was how important the eyes and the face are. We can use the eyes in a way that we are imagining something that seems so real to us, and the audience watching can also see something that is not there. It was seriously amazing how this changed our physicality and intention, and I really felt how powerful you really can be as an interpreter when you use these techniques. At the end of the week we put a bunch of phrases together like a show, and performed them for each other. It was really nice to have something concrete to take away from this experience. Clara and Peter are also debuting their duet in Montreal this year so I think I'll be taking a trip to Montreal at some point soonish!
We also took a trip to the river in the middle of the week to decompress and boy was it beautiful. We went to a nude portion and had pizza and beer and felt good. The perfect day I would say.
Thursday night I saw Miguel Gutierrez's FUCKMEGUNTERBRUSBRUSGUNTERMEFUCK. This was performed in MUMOK and was epically beautiful. The majority of it was Miguel speaking about how he wanted to actually bring a piece he had already created, but ImPulsTanz couldn't fund it, so they asked him to bring a new performance... He gave a really good rant about how he hated the fact that there was no piece yet, but everyone was raving on about how excited they were for it because of the name and description he made up when he was pissed off one day. It was also about how shitty the industry can be with politics and how much you do work you don't want to do because you need the dime. He is based out of NYC so I think a trip is in order to see his real show also.
On Friday, we partied at the festival's lounge, which is a club open every single night of the festival! So a few friends went to party and I got home at 4AM... Good thing I didn't have workshops until 12:30PM the next day!
I woke up not hungover for some amazing reason and went to Jared Gradinger and Angela Schubot's "On Becoming" intensive. This experience was high up in the clouds somewhere. We did a lot of Kundalini yoga breathing exercises that got me really lightheaded after one full hour... The rest of the time yesterday and today we went through a series of abstract improvisations that made me question their usefulness, but in the end I enjoyed and had an experience with them that opened some new ways of training. I felt high most of the time, but that in itself was a very interesting way to dance, and it also did a good job of reviving me for another week of workshops.
On Saturday evening saw Philippe Gehmacher's my shapes, your words, their grey. This performance was in a museum with a beautiful set huge inflated shapes as the exhibit. He allowed the audience to walk around in the whole space as he danced in it, and spoke about the colour grey as he laid different sized, rectangular tiles down in a specific composition. In all it was a boring piece, but it was done very well and I took away some good things from it.

This coming week I'm taking three workshops starting at 9:30AM... I think this is going to take a toll, but it's the last run so better make the most!
Happy Travels,
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