Choose Your Own Adventure

We are doing something new! From now on this will serve as an arts blog. As a dancer, I've never really enjoyed dance magazines because of the "fluff" articles in them. Through this blog I will review arts shows, interview artists, feature articles about arts politics, trends, and work going on in Halifax, NS, and the world!

Monday, 4 January 2016

Raw Food Cleanse DAY 2

So made it through the first day without a scratch. The second day has been pretty good! I did have to watch my guy eat Tim Horton's without me, and Wendy's last night :/. I'll get him on board with me soon though! So I had a green smoothie for breakfast:

-coconut water

I also had another spinach and guac salad for lunch, but for dinner I had this awesome Zucchini Mango Salad yummmmmmmmm :)

So onto something not so nice about this cleanse that maybe you don't want to hear about. Since I have been eating so many fibrous veggies and fruits, but not much insoluble fibres, my *ahem* stool has been a little... Watery... I don't feel ill or like I can't control it, but it's obviously not comfortable. I'm for sure feeling the cleansing effects haha.

Anyway, enough of the gross stuff. I am honestly excited for the cleanse to be over so I can start cooking again. I'm missing the warm comforting food for these harsh Nova Scotian winters. I'm going to be making a new eating plan for after the cleanse so I can keep the motivation of the health train.  

Eat Well,

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