Choose Your Own Adventure

We are doing something new! From now on this will serve as an arts blog. As a dancer, I've never really enjoyed dance magazines because of the "fluff" articles in them. Through this blog I will review arts shows, interview artists, feature articles about arts politics, trends, and work going on in Halifax, NS, and the world!

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Raw Food Cleanse DAY 3

Aaaaaaaaaalllllllright. Getting to the latter half of this here cleanse. Feeling pretty good about eating well, still really looking forward to eating cooked food... And cheese. I'm coming to terms with the fact that I probably will never go vegan. I am a big fan of eating less meat and not consuming too much dairy, but even in moderation I think I need them in my diet. 

Despite all this, I am still happy I'm doing this raw cleanse. It is a good experience and I'm feeling some drastic effects in my body. I feel like I'm ready to get back on top of my eating habits and ready to fully embrace everything in moderation. I hate the idea of completely eliminating certain foods from my diet. Fast foods, sodas, and deep fried food I'm pretty okay to eat on the very rare occasion, if not at all, but I enjoy cheese, bread, and meat too much to say no forever.

I have decided that after the cleanse I will only eat candies or goodies if they are home-made. I will only eat them if I or someone I know have made them myself. I think this is a good way to still have goodies I enjoy, but limit the amount and for sure motivate me to try out new recipes. It will also mean that I won't be consuming all the preservatives and unnecessary chemicals that go into packaged foods.

Today I had a yummy green smoothie, a little different from the last:

-ginger root
-coconut water


Eat Well,

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