Choose Your Own Adventure

We are doing something new! From now on this will serve as an arts blog. As a dancer, I've never really enjoyed dance magazines because of the "fluff" articles in them. Through this blog I will review arts shows, interview artists, feature articles about arts politics, trends, and work going on in Halifax, NS, and the world!

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Raw Food Cleanse DAY 4

Alright... This is the home stretch. Just one more day and I'm diving head first into some amazing cooked food (TBD). I'm really starting to feel the effects of this cleanse. I feel it mostly mentally in how I think about food and snacking, most often when I have that urge to reach for something not on this week's menu. I'll have that urge then suddenly think about why I wanted it, if it was because I was hungry, then I would find something that I could have within the cleanse, like almonds, fruit, veggie sticks, etc. I found that once I got over that initial desire and decided to eat something else, I lost the craving, and I felt totally okay with the fact that I may or may not be able to have it later when I'm done the cleanse.

As for my body, I believe I have lost a few pounds since starting the cleanse, and I will give those numbers once I've reached the end. Last night I started back up with hip hop classes and I felt sort of weak and out of practice, but my energy level was good, I didn't feel particularly weak or particularly strong. I'm generally feeling a good amount of energy, and no significant fatigues through work days. 

I'm repeating a lot of recipes, but I thought you'd like to see these stuffed peppers with mounds of guacamole. It was yummy and super filling. I love avocado, and no matter how much my guy doesn't like it, I will always eat it!!! 

I've decided that on Friday I will enjoy a yummy peanut butter smoothie in the morning, and for lunch I'm going out somewhere (possibly sushi) with my guy to celebrate!

Eat Well,

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